Why do the laws of attraction work for some and don’t for others

Why do the laws of attraction work for some and don’t for others

We have the ability to create whatever we want, providing we are one with ourselves.

What does that mean?

We have our conscious self, the part of our power we have not forgotten and we also have our unconscious self, also called ego and patterns, that can be disguised in self-confidence!

The purpose of life in human form is to face our limitations, the shortage of our consciousness in a physical and solid manner, to make sure we won’t miss them anymore and fly away with our unconscious and egoic power.

From victims to creators, we have gone through different epochs relying on the force of the Universe to give us what we felt deprived of, all the way to realizing that our intentions and thoughts had power with the New Age. We started to carve away our lives with the principles known from ages and constantly rediscovered and improved.

So why do some of us can apply the laws of attraction and get results and some of us fall short, feeling left aside and frustrated? What’s wrong with me kind of question?

Aside from having programs and emotions that stand in your way,

which you can remedy…

it all depends on the age of your soul!

With the soul, the foundational energy of your being, comes soul agreements. A soul agreement is a contract passed with ourselves prior to incarnation to make sure we are faced with the circumstances and situations that will make us grow in awareness. We have several of them. Soul agreements are the most influential parts of our power; we can put them aside for a while, but they will always resurface since they are in place for us to achieve our life purpose: full awakening.

You might have experienced your power through the ages with the cleansing of your inner tracks and the mastery of manifestation  techniques, and you might have gotten what you wanted. The first step of the evolution ladder is reached. You are a creator and you can talk to your creators. And they respond in physical form by giving you what you ask. You don’t feel alone anymore, you ask and it’s given. The laws of attraction are a communication system that reassures and proves your value, your importance.

So far so good. You feel happy because you get what you want. And getting what you want makes you feel heard and therefore it proves your value. It also makes you feel powerful and that is a good feeling.

Back to soul agreements.

Why would somebody interfere with this apparent wonderful system of communication and manifestation and start putting sticks in its wheels?

Simply because over time, as an old soul, we got tired of just getting what we wanted, like a baby crying for its bottle. We needed some more substantial nutrients, we needed to raise the barre and not only feel reassured about our value. We wanted to grow ourselves to fully BE that value. We felt the imperative call to recover the full count of our lost divinity, to live our true nature one hundred percent.

That’s why we erect soul agreements that will bar access to our “old style” creative power. The problem is that upon being born, we don’t remember having formed these contracts and feel very impeded and frustrated to not be able to create what we think we want.

Now there are 3 ways to go about soul agreements.

1. You can deny them and live in frustration and regret, coping with your reality as best you can, feeling secretly or obviously victimized.

2. You can artificially accept them and elevate yourself to be a spiritual player, redirecting the flow of your frustration with philosophies and techniques you picked along the way. That will help you balance the ups and downs of your denial.

3. Or you can see that you have work to do by regaining the lost pieces of you still crying out to be recovered. That’s called full awakening. It is the ultimate path that will lead you to complete wholeness. From that point on you will be able to create what you want from a place of purity, being ultimately aligned with your Source. You will have surrendered your programed ego all the way.

Then your soul agreements will have accomplished their purpose, they will have brought you to the wholeness we are called to become.


  • Challenged and perplexed about the course of your life where things don’t seem to work?
  • Looking at the life of others and wondering why you seem to not be part of the game?
  • Asking yourself: what is wrong with me?
  • Always seeking but not really finding the answers?

Then let’s talk! Book a 1:1 free consultation with me and let’s take a look together! Info@NatalieKawai.com

About NatalieWhy do the laws of attraction work for some and don't for others

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 



The Fundamental Energy of the Universe is Emotional. It is a Tremendous Desire!

The Fundamental Energy of the Universe is Emotional. It is a Tremendous Desire!

In my research, I have been journeying backwards in sequences to the Initial Source, to come back to the very Womb, or point of creation, where we all started.

Let me invite you to that journey!

First, I became aware that the Universe’s primary energy is an emotional one. It is a tremendous desire that pulsates from its center out. This energy bears in its womb all the ingredients of creation: the Will, the Spirit, the Heart, and what will become the reflection of Source, the material of self-realization, the Body. The Will is the Mother; the Spirit is the Father. They contain us, the children, and will deliver us into creation. We are inside of them.

The Will, standing from the Whole or Beginning, is the densest material of creation. It is very magnetic and holds everything together. It is the feeling and nurturing part of the essence, and it keeps the creation grounded to its root. The Spirit is more volatile and electrical; it is the scout of creation, the part of the Essence that takes thoughts and initiates. The Heart is the blender; it brings together all the elements of creation so they can flow into Source. It carries the love of the universe, and it is destined to reunite all the aspects of its  grandeur. The Body or Matter is the lowest vibrational ingredient of creation; its frequency is slow. It is designed to be the mirror, the reflector of all the other ingredients once it is in place, meaning manifested.

The initial Will, the womb of creation, is a matrix that holds all this material together within itself. One day, the desire brewing incessantly reaches its maximum contention and needs to get out and express. It takes a journey of self-expression in order to know itself or to self-realize. This universal energy encapsulates everything and is capable of forming all the rest. It is called the “Will,” the magnetic essence that created everything else down the line. It is the Great Mother of all Creation.

That initial core atom is made out of pixels—light pixels that have tremendous power and momentum. They are not activated into being the light we know about; they are dormant and not yet manifested. The Will and the Spirit dynamic is the precursor of the necessary dual mode. In order to have any activity or creativity, two are needed so one can reflect the other, in a reference system. All of that is in the matrix of the “Universe,” the initial “Will,” and so are we!


If you have any questions about the content of this article, please connect, I would be happy to answer! And feel free to reach out for your discovery no-obligation session!  info@NatalieKawai.com

About Natalie Kawai The Fundamental energy of the Universe is Emotional. It is a tremendous desire!

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

Before Wholeness, We Are All Addicts!

Before Wholeness, We Are All Addicts!

Whether to drugs, food, TV, shopping, alcohol, cigarettes, sweets, work, or on the healthy side, to success, making money, mindset control, love, philosophies, practices etc. We are all addicted to something, healthy or not, to replace a part in us we deeply feel is missing.

From a spiritual stand point, an addiction is a transposition, a transfer of energy. Instead of being within, we are outside, in another person —co-dependency, in a substance, in a habit, a mindset, a practice, a life style, etc., looking to find the self we are lacking. We automatically transpose to fill up the void within by an outside asset, becoming & defending that asset instead of becoming ourselves.

And it is not our fault, we simply don’t know otherwise since it has become our identity in the absence of a major pillar of wholeness denied from day one of creation: the Will. (See definition below.)

All addictions being temporary fillers, the obvious danger is that upon being addicted to a replacement, we are going to pursue its quest and won’t do the work required to regain the wholeness we are. We simply cover up the gap of presence within, since our life style, supported by the culture, the collective consensus of unconsciousness all secured by ego, has become our main replacement substance.

We have been unknowingly spinning our wheels, struggling in life for improvement, for ease, to feel good, unknowing that “deep in our matrix lies a part of ourselves that has never been awakened.” That part creates a void that we feel but deny because we don’t know how to get there and how to recover it. That part is the energy of our Mother, our other divine parent that has been denied and pushed away —for purpose of evolution, but is still impeding us to know ourselves one hundred per cent. We are separate from our origins, not in a Judeo-Christian concept of good vs. evil or Original Sin, but rather in how we are separated from our very Mother.

Will – Initial substance of creation, feminine and emotional energy representing the Mother side of the essence.


  • Feeling the void inside at times?
  • Not knowing what to do with it?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a no obligation complimentary discovery session: info@NatalieKawai.com

About NatalieBefore Wholeness, We Are All Addicts!

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.




JUDGEMENT – What To Do About It

JUDGEMENT – What To Do About It

In any situations of our lives, before we can even think a thought, pouf… something else is already going on… a pre-thought, an energy that shows un-invited but is very present and overbearing: Judgement.

We judge inherently because ever since we were born we felt this obscure need to protect ourselves from the world, from others, from the unknown environment we came into. We get these thoughts form our lineage, culture, race, religion, and on top of what we received, we build our own line of defense.

As spiritual people, we had learned not to judge, but believe me we still do. It is an inevitable and very unconscious mark of our humanity. Judgement is what keeps us separate from ourselves and from others. It is the result of our programs and ego that make us repel parts of ourselves and others. It is a reflex programed in our mind and emotional body that is devious and disable the love from our heart to flow forward.

Judgement squeezes energy, it contracts, stresses our systems. We know it is not aligned and we don’t like it but we don’t know what else to do. Because judgement is here to replace parts of ourselves that we don’t have yet. We suffer from it, unconsciously or not, and shoot judgement as arrows to project outside the discomfort we feel inside.

We judge because we feel incomplete, and we feel incomplete because we deny ourselves.We judge because we feel a void inside and by judging we express the pain caused by that void. The more we judge and the more we shrink and contract inside. Because when we judge, anything or anyone, what we judge is ourselves as a reflection, therefore condemning ourselves.

When you capture that moment of judgement, what you want to do is, 1) acknowledge, don’t deny or repress,  2) feel the pain you cause yourself by judging, the shame, the anger, etc., and 3) go deep and ask yourself why? If you don’t find an answer don’t worry, don’t feel discouraged, let it go for now and later, when another opportunity presents itself ask again. Your Source, inner guidance will never let you down and you’ll finally understand. When you do the work of recovering the power that is underneath the judgement, you’ll empower YOU and will align you with your Source, which is the Purpose of our lives.

Judgement is a projection of hatred, which is a distance from self-acceptance or love.

When you judge yourself or others, you attack and that is a SELF-condemnation. Don’t deny or repress the pain you feel, the discomfort, accept it and work at it.


  • Feeling that hidden & nagging energy of judgment inside shooting out of nowhere?
  • Insidiously attacked by a heart wrenching feeling of self-condemnation? self-criticism?
  • Don’t worry, it is not your fault!

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complementary discovery session: info@NatalieKawai.com

About Natalie

Screen Shot 2015-05-03 at 10.30.49 PMSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.

The Hidden Role of Negative Emotions

The Hidden Role of Negative Emotions

As human beings we all have an aversion to pain. We learned at an early age to avoid pain at all costs, have a quick fix handy, pop a pill, eat, drink, shop, drug ourselves into relief, erase negative emotions, find solutions to get out of pain as rapidly as we can. Instant gratification has become our favorite motto. We measure our power by rapidly feeling better through the practical artifice of a method or a habit.

We have learned about the laws of attraction and turned our negative thoughts and negative attitudes into positive ones. We have learned how to command what we feel by what we think, and how to control our inner self by changing negative programs to better ones. We have meditated to find connection with our divinity, the true self we all are yearning for, and if we do feel better, that feeling is nevertheless not sustainable and still evades us, keeping us in a long and exhausting runway, with its ups and downs.

We have to understand that by denying our negativity, and superimposing systems to not feel it or even erase it, what we deny is ourselves, because the purpose of negative feelings is precisely to point at the distance that we have from ourselves. Pain, as a tracking system, is the method we put in place when we left our Source to find our way back home, to recover consciously the pieces we lost by incarnating. If we eradicate that pain, we spin our wheels and lose ourselves into a false space. We start building a pseudo self, based on the replacement self we put together to mask the pain.

In the lost consciousness that we have to regain, lies an ego space that will drive us into a pernicious illusion of happiness, based on the fulfillment of what we think we want; when deep within, a part of ourselves is still crying out to be retrieved, through the very track of our negative emotions!

The new step in evolution is to stop our unconscious denial and find the totally of our essence so that our well-being can express naturally and genuinely, beyond any type of control.

to be followed…


  • Still questioning the sustainability of your well-being?
  •  Feeling out of sorts at times?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for a complimentary discovery session: info@NatalieKawai.com

About Natalie

Natalie at the beach

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our essence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional happiness. Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.