Can our lizard brain evolve?

Can our lizard brain evolve?

There is a part of our brain connected with our most ancient experiences as humans, the ones that made us fight or flight for survival.This mechanism functions at a physical level, to preserve life of course, and also at an emotional level, to preserve sanity.

We are in the profound habit of avoiding pain at all costs, to buffer the traumatic experiences we don’t want to remember. Why? because so far we have not recovered the consciousness, the part of our self that is still buried into the trauma. We are confused with our pain.

We always want to revisit that space within to heal, that’s why there is a reoccurrence of problems in life, and we are fighting it with the ancient surviving mode of our lizard brain. We don’t let ourselves touch the real experience that created the trauma in the first place, suppressing the natural healing mode thereof. It therefore gets stored, out of reach in our subconscious.

That is how we become addicted to some character traits, habits and behaviors that become addictions or compulsions. That’s how the persona is created. A portion of our consciousness, our natural clarity and positive outlook is obliterated, replaced by an addiction that becomes a program overtime and directs our behaviors.

In order to conjure up negative behaviors, thoughts or feelings that have become unconscious addictions ruling our lives, one has to become aware of the trauma or core issue, the painful experience behind. Once that trauma is finally demystified and digested, it can be accepted and thus resolved. You then regain Consciousness, the piece of you that had escaped in the survival mode.

How does that happen? The way that this “little miracle” can happen is in the willingness to tackle the areas of your life that you have denied because it was too painful to face. We have to have the willingness to “face the music” because only then, will we be able to recover the pearls waiting for us to be retrieved. And that is the hardest because we are afraid of pain, we pushed it back, until it becomes a vague but still throbbing memory blocking the flow of our well-being. These blocks show up with worries, stress, anxiety and so forth.

Every pain, trauma, disturbing events in anyone’s life goes into a huge storage within— the subconscious treasury— and this is where it marinates creating fumes that peer at the surface into negative experiences, thoughts and feelings to deep addictions when the button is pushed beyond the point of release.

We can certainly retrain our brain to think differently about a situation. Or we can superficially erase our negative emotions. We can forcefully retrain our behaviors, but that comes with a price— the denial of a part of ourselves. It is a partial conquest and the real work remains to be done.

The New era is the time when humanity conquers the last part of its consciousness. It takes courage and determination to end the denial and own the subconscious space. That will radically stop the pursuit of addictions and compulsive behaviors with their procession of pain.


  • Tired of fighting life with negative feelings and behaviors that zap your well-being?
  • Wanting to grow from surviving out of fear to living out of clear choice?

Let’s chat! In a free session with me, I’ll introduce you to possibilities that you don’t even suspect exist! info@NatalieKawai or PM me on FaceBook /

Can our lizard brain evolve?

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 







Why doesn’t life give you what you want?

Why doesn’t life give you what you want?

Let’s now talk about how to go along with our soul agreements, how to hear them, respect them and join force with them to a higher place of consciousness.

We can definitely say that listening to our heart is the closest thing to start with. The pulse of our heart transmits the frequency of our soul and we do receive messages that way. The pulse of our heart can also be called intuition. They make us feel good.

The problem is that as long as we are in duality, there are two tracks that speak through us: the track of Source and the track of ego. And they both feel good, because ego will make you think you are on the track of Source. That’s the favorite weapon of ego. You can pray or meditate for guidance and since you come from duality, you will receive what you want to receive, because the Universe can only send you the messages that you want to receive. Why? Because you have free will and that is going to influence your vibration. If you ask for blue, you will receive blue. Ask and it’s given.

Remember the universe never imposes itself on you.

And it’s ok, no fault here, just experience. Then along the way, you will feel that your “guidance” is not really giving you the right answers anymore, your intuition is not bullet proof, it challenges you. That’s exactly how you decide to short circuit your free will, and play forth with your masterful soul agreements. A soul agreement as we know is a force that is most influential because it has been set by you prior to incarnation. There is no way you can go against yourself forever. It would be counterproductive.

So when you don’t get what you want, despite all your efforts, you need to know that you are up against a soul agreement that will not let you deviate the purpose of your soul any longer. And that serves your highest interest, even though it doesn’t necessarily feel that way!

What to do then? Time to feel what you really feel— the frustration, the anger, the disappointment, the sadness, the despair and so forth. You can’t get over them by creating new stuff or better situations anymore, you are pointed toward those feelings, the feelings you wanted to avoid at all costs.  A part of you needs to be retrieved and the only way to retrieve it is through feeling it.

That’s the time when you will get in accord with you and harmonize with your soul agreements and let them know that you got their message and don’t want to fight them anymore.

What you want that doesn’t show up as yet is the mere expression of a part of you that you don’t own as yet. Your soul is asking you to retrieve that part before you can manifest what you want.

A soul agreement pushes us to access full presence so that we stop creating to prove ourselves and our value, but instead BE that worthiness and create from a place of full alignment with our Source.


  • Frustrated, defeated or puzzled because you don’t get what you want?
  • Wondering what’s wrong with you?
  • Feeling a bit left out?

Then let’s talk. Book a one-on-one free consultation with me and let’s take a look at why you can’t create what you want to create!

Why doesn't life give you what you want?

About Natalie

Spiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist. 



The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

Everything in our world is given birth by a mother! We are of course, and all the animals and plants. The transport of nutrients from mother to embryo appears to be the common life vehicle for all of us. The maternal placenta and blood vessels are developing and sustaining the embryo. It is called viviparity which means giving life birth.

That model comes from another one, the divine energy that created us. Behind all creation there are parents, a Mother and a Father, who give birth and have specific roles in that giving life process. We are created in the liking of both our biological and divine parents.

For eons of time we have focused all our attention to just one side of the creative process, the Father side; the Spirit and electrical aspect of the equation.The Mother side, still mostly unknown and un-recognized all the way is the Will, coming from the Whole; the magnetic aspect of creation. This aspect grounds us to our Source, it is the part that gives birth and sustains the whole life process.

We have a tendency to take that process for granted, to sort of forget where we are coming from, because it feels natural to be created. We are as fresh as a button, not asking ourselves any questions and enjoying our situation, thanking the Father for having created us. Ok, and if He’s certainly part of the process…  who carried the embryo, the seed, nurtured it until it became ready to be on its own? The Mother of course.

The Mother is the emotional energy, the feeling energy, repressed so deeply that we barely feel its core origin. We have been in the habit of wiping out what was not feeling good and buried a precious portion of ourselves unknowingly. If we don’t feel what we really feel, then we miss the point. We miss a part of ourselves, the Will, still buried and lost underneath.

The Will is the oil from which our Spirit can burn. It is the conduit to our Source.

We have to take ownership of the lost Will, by recognizing that our negative emotions are the very signals driving us to the parts of ourselves still un-awakened. That entails to stop the denial of our negative emotions, stop covering them up with better thoughts/ positive attitude, and stop erasing them all together. Because if we continue to do so, we perpetuate this gap with ourself, thus preventing our wholeness.

We have contoured our pain forever in a profound repulsion mechanism. We never want to feel pain. We have become the champion of quick fixes and instant gratification. And as long as we don’t want to take a look at our pain, we will keep away from our selves from our original Source. As long as we keep our pain in the denial pit with a temporary fix, we will keep avoiding our basic and true self and keep ego with darkness in the mix. There is no way around that.

As long as we don’t recognize the Mother aspect of creation, we will not be able to ground ourselves all the way to our Source and become whole.

As women it is our responsibility to not only give birth to men, but also to guide them to the other side, into the receptiveness of their feminine energy. In order to be able to do that, we have to become whole ourselves, by regaining our lost Will.


Are you ready to get more real  and truly fulfilled in your life?

To evolve to the next level of consciousness?

Are you ready to recover the power that lies underneath your negative emotions

Instead of controlling them with your thoughts?

Are you ready to be whole once and for all,

establish balance between masculine & feminine and

end discordances and duality within yourself and between all people?

Then book your free 1:1 consultation with me and let’s get started!

About Natalie Kawai

The Challenge Of Our Time - Finding Balance Between Masculine and Feminine PowerSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.