The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

The Challenge Of Our Time – Finding Balance Between Masculine And Feminine Power

Everything in our world is given birth by a mother! We are of course, and all the animals and plants. The transport of nutrients from mother to embryo appears to be the common life vehicle for all of us. The maternal placenta and blood vessels are developing and sustaining the embryo. It is called viviparity which means giving life birth.

That model comes from another one, the divine energy that created us. Behind all creation there are parents, a Mother and a Father, who give birth and have specific roles in that giving life process. We are created in the liking of both our biological and divine parents.

For eons of time we have focused all our attention to just one side of the creative process, the Father side; the Spirit and electrical aspect of the equation.The Mother side, still mostly unknown and un-recognized all the way is the Will, coming from the Whole; the magnetic aspect of creation. This aspect grounds us to our Source, it is the part that gives birth and sustains the whole life process.

We have a tendency to take that process for granted, to sort of forget where we are coming from, because it feels natural to be created. We are as fresh as a button, not asking ourselves any questions and enjoying our situation, thanking the Father for having created us. Ok, and if He’s certainly part of the process…  who carried the embryo, the seed, nurtured it until it became ready to be on its own? The Mother of course.

The Mother is the emotional energy, the feeling energy, repressed so deeply that we barely feel its core origin. We have been in the habit of wiping out what was not feeling good and buried a precious portion of ourselves unknowingly. If we don’t feel what we really feel, then we miss the point. We miss a part of ourselves, the Will, still buried and lost underneath.

The Will is the oil from which our Spirit can burn. It is the conduit to our Source.

We have to take ownership of the lost Will, by recognizing that our negative emotions are the very signals driving us to the parts of ourselves still un-awakened. That entails to stop the denial of our negative emotions, stop covering them up with better thoughts/ positive attitude, and stop erasing them all together. Because if we continue to do so, we perpetuate this gap with ourself, thus preventing our wholeness.

We have contoured our pain forever in a profound repulsion mechanism. We never want to feel pain. We have become the champion of quick fixes and instant gratification. And as long as we don’t want to take a look at our pain, we will keep away from our selves from our original Source. As long as we keep our pain in the denial pit with a temporary fix, we will keep avoiding our basic and true self and keep ego with darkness in the mix. There is no way around that.

As long as we don’t recognize the Mother aspect of creation, we will not be able to ground ourselves all the way to our Source and become whole.

As women it is our responsibility to not only give birth to men, but also to guide them to the other side, into the receptiveness of their feminine energy. In order to be able to do that, we have to become whole ourselves, by regaining our lost Will.


Are you ready to get more real  and truly fulfilled in your life?

To evolve to the next level of consciousness?

Are you ready to recover the power that lies underneath your negative emotions

Instead of controlling them with your thoughts?

Are you ready to be whole once and for all,

establish balance between masculine & feminine and

end discordances and duality within yourself and between all people?

Then book your free 1:1 consultation with me and let’s get started!

About Natalie Kawai

The Challenge Of Our Time - Finding Balance Between Masculine and Feminine PowerSpiritual Teacher and revolutionary thought leader, Natalie Kawai is a messenger of the Great Mother of Creation. She champions the rise of feminine energy. This part of our presence having been denied from time of creation, we feel that something is missing. Time to return to wholeness and enjoy fulfillment beyond conditional  happiness.Born on the shore of lake Geneva Switzerland, she now calls Hawaii her home! Her passion is to guide people to ultimate fulfillment, beyond all ego. She also is a music composer and an artist.