MEET Natalie

Hi I am Natalie! I am real happy to share with you my life path. I was born in Switzerland, where everything is pristine and clean, with the gift of clairaudient communication with Source, which made my life both great and difficult because I knew things that people did not really want to hear about. So I pushed it all the way for years.

At 17, I flew away from my parents’ house with my boy friend Philip. We were idealists and wanted to heal black people in Africa, like Dr. Albert Schweitzer, noted member of the Red Cross. Interpol and our mothers intercepted us in Genova Italy where we were going to embark on a boat to Africa as clandestine. They brought us back with tail between legs…

I went to school and then university, studied art, law and most of all music. I am a passionate pianist and played the piano for hours and hours every day. Following my destiny, I then ran an interior design business that brought me lots of success. But something in me was crying out for more. Something was missing and I had to find out what it was.

That’s how one day I decided to embark for the United States, to see what the Spirit of America was all about. Driven by my constant passion to understand the mystery of life, the purpose of our journey down here, I launched myself in an new adventure, landing on a rock in the Middle of the Pacific, Hawaii! I was watching Hawaii five-0 in my living room in Geneva!

And this is where everything started to click into place. I always wanted to know the why and how of everything. I am a relentless seeker and nothing satisfies me unless I go to the core of it. I went through an amazing experience, an implosion-explosion of my entire system also called enlightenment, floating for hours into the light.

Soon after, though, I felt deep within a heavy pull, an intense quest calling me for more. Something was missing; the equation was not complete as yet. The light was good but there was more to be discovered. I explored further following the depth of my emotions, when all of the sudden the voice of the Great Mother of Creation resonated in me.

She explained to me that for purpose of evolution her essence had been denied in the beginning and that it was time now to reactivate that portion of our consciousness. She gave me the history of Creation, what had happened in the beginning, along with the fact that we had work to do to re-activate her essence and achieve the completeness of our presence.

I became a revolutionary thought leader, bringing into the world a brand new message about the origin of creation, why we had to lose a portion of Consciousness and what to do re-integrate it. That journey is the path to wholeness, the New Era dawning on us in this first part of the 21 century. It is now time to unify with our Source and finally know the full power of our divinity.